Place: The Green Latern, McFarland
Several people recommend this place, so here we are on the first of March.
Oops, we started our visit with a 'spice your own' version - which the nice waitress talked me in to before I realized that we can't judge a drink that we make ourselves. (You get a tall tomato juice delivered with a tray that includes Tabasco, A1, Worcestershire, steak sauce, celery salt, a bloody mary seasoning). Fortunately it wasn't that strong so we ordered what the they called"the ultimate" mixed by the bartender. Horseradish jazzed this one up more than the 'make your own' and it included a pickle spear, but no olives and I miss those.
Spice: 2
Strength: 3
Sauce: 3
Appeal: 3
Size: 3
Price: 5
Our waitress, April, was great and the my hash browns and english muffin were cripsy and dark and the ham/cheese omlete was perfect. The restaurant was too smoky for me though.
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